Pheap Free CMS Script

Pheap CMS (Content Management System) script free to download. You”ve just completed a gorgeous new design, ready to be released into the wild. Suddenly it strikes you, how will my client, or myself manage this content? Will I have to dive into this code to add an apostrophe, or copy-paste an ambiguous chunk of code to add a new paragraph to my front page, or post a new article? What about if I want to delete a comment, will I have to fire up the MySQL database manager and sift through all those tables and rows? No Way! Pheap was made by a web designer/developer for the specific purpose of latching itself in at the end of a project and managing the content simply and effectively!

Pheap was created because Spencer believes massive CMS like Joomla and Drupal are a vast overkill for 80% of website owners. New features allow you to manage content in a database as well. For instance, if you keep a callender of events stored in a database table, you can easily set up a rule that allows you to add, edit and delete those events. All from the comfort of the Pheap admin panel!

Development Status: Production/Stable

License: GNU General Public License (GPL)

Operating System: Linux, Unix, Windows

Environment: Web Environment

Translations: English

Pheap Free CMS Script